Uptime Report November 2016

This is our first official uptime report and we're proud to announce that our uptime in November 2016 was exactly 100.00%.

We're proud of our uptime achievement and clearly exceeding our service level agreement of 99.9%. Yet, this was no surprise for us. We've gone to great lengths to make sure that the web sites of our customers are as reliable as possible.

Measuring Uptime

We use a couple of different approaches to measuring our uptime percentage. We use a service called StatusCake that constantly hits a selection of our customer sites to make sure that they are online.

StatusCake hits our sites at a one minute interval which isn't always enough to catch outages that last less than a minute. That's why we also keep our eyes on reports provided by CloudHarmony that gives us a detailed report of the uptime of our infrastructure service provider (Amazon Web Services in our case). In November 2016 AWS status for the services that we use was 100.00% in the regions that we operate in.

These tools and measurements give us confidence to declare our uptime for November 2016 at exactly 100.00%. Hooray!

Jaakko Naakka

Jaakko Naakka

Founder of Innota. Making web sites since 1996. Programming for a living in the middle of nowhere in Southern Finland.